Episode 035

Episode ThirtyLive!

Your Hosts

About this Episode

An extra show for this week, episode thirty-live in fact! We had the absolute pleasure to do a live recording of the show during the Micro Camp conference on Aug 13 - 14. We talked about blogging, pets in buildings, and even podcasting!

Pre-show: Twirl 00:00:00

Thirty-live 00:03:05

Blogging Today 00:06:10

Unannounced Trivia Corner! 00:12:10

  • How many posts does Andrew have on Micro.blog?
    • A) 1,205 B) 806 C) 1,683 D) 2408
  • How many backers did they original Micro.blog Kickstarter have way back in 2017?
    • A) 1,375 B) 3,080 C) 2,785 D) 4,298

Back to Blogging 00:13:50

Podcasting about Podcasting 00:26:45

Comments On or Off? 00:30:35

Pets as Accessories 00:35:55

  • Tamagotchi ๐Ÿ‘พ
  • RIP Paco ๐Ÿ˜ข๐Ÿฅ”
  • Hot Chips == French Fries ๐ŸŸ

Listeners' Comments 00:41:45

Housekeeping 00:47:25

Did We Go OK? 00:48:25

  • Is this thing on?? ๐ŸŽ™


This episode was edited by Martin using Ferrite.

Martinโ€™s Edit In Ferrite

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