Episode 112

Odd Canion, Even Feld!

Your Hosts

About this Episode

You have no idea how stuffed this episode recording was—disaster around every corner. Huge thanks to Martin for salvaging it all into an actual episode! A new One Prime Plus member has entered the chat! Unannounced Trivia Corner is back! (Andrew and Martin are sooo excited). Apple finally made a toothbrush and Jason bought one! Courage. Just what kind of /guy is Andrew?

Using Apple Podcasts? All notes can always be found here!

PSA: Arcadia June 2024! 00:00:00

Completionists and Boats 00:00:50

Unannounced Trivia Corner! 00:04:30

  • What is that sound, indeed.
  • Question 1: Which of these is not a Large Language Model?
    • A: Falcon
    • B: Galactica (Andrew and Martin both chose this)
    • C: LLMantra
    • D: Glam
  • Question 2: In what year were the iPod Socks released?
    • A: 2009
    • B: 2007 (Andrew’s Choice)
    • C: 2004
    • D: 2005 (Martin’s Choice)

Media Corner 00:08:20

Time Timer 00:14:35

  • Time Timer ⏲️
  • Are you noticing the transitions? Something is not quite right.. ☠️

Apple Toothbrush 00:16:40

/guy 00:21:10


If you're curious about how editing one of these episodes is done, check out this second video that Martin posted of his editing process!


This episode was edited by Martin using Ferrite.

Martin's Edit In Ferrite

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