Episode 103

All-in-one Funeral!


January 25th, 2024

58 mins 13 secs

Your Hosts

About this Episode

Andrew's iMac is back.. again! Long live Intel? Sponsor, not a sponsor. We haven't chatted about movies in a while, and Jason almost still didn't get to. Martin brings some hyper-local "tech news" to the table for discussion! So many Mangos!

Using Apple Podcasts? All notes can always be found here!

Intel Inside 00:00:00

One Prime Plus 00:13:10

Not a Sponsor: Anker 00:15:05

Media Corner 00:25:55

Local Tech News Corner 00:36:30


If you're curious about how editing one of these episodes is done, check out this second video that Martin posted of his editing process!


This episode was edited by Andrew using Ferrite.

Andrew's Edit In Ferrite

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