Episode 107

If I Were a Vegetable!

Your Hosts

About this Episode

Andrew slides in at the 11th hour! So many burger joints! What are you surfing the net with? How about a little Media Corner™? Follow middle, an app suggestion for heaving file transfers, and a time-critical topic. Welcome to episode 107!

Andrew’s Struggling 00:00:00

Burger Corner 00:03:15

Firefox 00:20:10

Follow Middle: Josh Withers 00:26:50

Launcher Apps 00:28:15

Media Corner 00:33:25

Blip 00:37:05

  • Blip
  • (it was Robb) 🤫

Time Critical Topic 00:39:00


If you're curious about how editing one of these episodes is done, check out this second video that Martin posted of his editing process!


This episode was edited by Andrew using Ferrite.

Andrew's Edit In Ferrite

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