Episode 050

Climbing Up the Mountain!


February 24th, 2022

50 mins

Your Hosts

About this Episode

Our 50th episode?! Time certainly flies; thank you for coming along for the ride! In this instalment, Andrew shares his love for the world's sweetest bread, Jason reflects on the importance of teachers in our lives and Martin gets attacked by barnacles.

Unplanned, Unannounced Trivia Corner! 00:00:00

  • Episode 050! Can you even believe it?!
  • Happy 50th Birthday! (How do birthdays work again?)

Hemispheric Bruise! 00:00:55

Hemispheric Muse! 00:14:05

Hemispheric Chews! 00:28:40

Media Corner: Andrew Recommends! 00:39:20

A Quick Plug... 00:45:20

Curious how editing one of these episodes is done? Check out this video Martin posted of his editing process and flow!


This episode was edited by Martin using Ferrite.

Martin’s Edit In Ferrite

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